Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Prepress Learnings from the MGI 2010 Membership Benchmarking Study - Most Effective Recruitment Channels

While we will be presenting the 2010 Membership Benchmarking Study this Monday, June 14, 2010, at a special reception sponsored by MGI at the ASAE Marketing and Membership Conference in Washington, DC, here is a taste of what over 400 associations who participated in the survey and shared their membership practices and their opinions on what works best for each stage of the membership lifecycle had to say when asked "What are the Most Effective Recruitment Channels?"

For associations with less than 5,000 members, word-of-mouth is the most effecive method of new member recruitment. It is also the second most effective method for associations with over 5,000 members.

For associations with over 5,000 members, the exact opposite is true: direct mail is considered to be the most effective channel for new member recruitment while word-of-mouth is the second most effective method.

For trade associations, as well as those offering both individual membership and trade membership, the most effective recruitment method is member word-of-mouth.

There is so much more to this study, so I hope to see you at the MMC next week. If you can't make it or would like your own copy, please contact me at and I'll forward it after next Monday or you can go download a copy from our website at

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