Monday, October 24, 2011

Donna Tschiffely, ED for DMAW, Warns of 2012 Postal Increase

I just received an email from Donna Tschiffely, DMAW Executive Director, in regard to proposed postage increases. Here is what she wrote:

"You may want to start re-examining your 2012 postage budgets...

This past Tuesday, the USPS filed a notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) details of its plan to increase postage rates by an average of 2.133 percent on each of the market dominant classes, including First Class, Standard and Periodicals.  If approved, implementation will begin January 22, 2012.

Increases will include:
  • First Class Full Rate will increase by 1 penny to 45 cents (2.468% increase) 
  • Non-Profit Letter will see a 1.867% increase 
  • Postcards - 3 cent increase to 32 cents 
  • Average increase for other Standard Mail Products will be 2.864%  
  • Average increase for catalogs and other flat-shaped mail is 2.209% 
The PRC has 45 days to review the proposed increases to ensure they comply with the legal requirement that the increases for each class of mail averages no more than 2.1% as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

DMAW's phone number is 703-689-DMAW (3629) if you have any questions. There website is

Erik D. Schonher is Vice President of Member Strategic Planning for Marketing General Incorporated, a leading marketing agency providing strategic and tactical services to associations and not-for-profit organizations.